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Worker Retraining

Program Overview

Are you unemployed? The Worker Retraining program can help you with resources to train for a new job or career. The Worker Retraining program provides funding for eligible dislocated and unemployed workers in training or retraining that will assist them in regaining employment. Before continuing, please verify that the program you are interested or enrolled in is listed below in the "Qualifying Programs" section.

If you are in a qualifying program and want to see if you are eligible for Worker Retraining at Wenatchee Valley College, please fill out our Interest Survey and one of our staff members will contact you.

You could be eligible for Worker Retraining support for any of the following reasons:

  • You are currently receiving or are eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
  • You are unemployed or underemployed and have exhausted unemployment benefits within the past four years.
  • You are formerly self-employed and currently unemployed due to economic conditions.
  • You are a veteran who has separated from the U.S. armed services within the past 4 years, or you are an active duty military service member who has received an official separation notice.
  • You are unemployed or underemployed after having been dependent on another family member’s income, but you are no longer supported by that income due to separation, divorce, death, or permanent disability of the main wage-earner.
  • You are a vulnerable worker (at risk of being unemployed) who meets two of the following three requirements:
    • Your job is not in demand. (See the Local Area Demand/Decline Occupations list.)
    • You do not have 45 college credits.
    • You must upgrade your skills to remain employed in your current job.
The Worker Retraining Program provides educational and career planning to help dislocated and unemployed workers retrain in a vocational field and return to work. Students may qualify for assistance with tuition, fees and books, and continuation of unemployment benefits while attending one of WVC's many occupational programs.

If you have questions or would like to speak to a Student Grants Center staff member, please reach out to a staff member listed below or email our department at

Mary Adamski
Student Navigator
(509) 682-6613

Dalia Hernandez
Student Navigator
(509) 682-6965

Erika Schenkvonstauffenberg
Student Grants Center Coordinator
(509) 682-6964